Tuesday 5 April 2011


had two basics ideas for my final major project of what i wanted to create. For my first idea i thought about doing an music video with a story to match up with the lyrics and too make it emotional. for my second idea i thought about doing an trailor/proposal about an animation film where there be lots of action and excitement and also will use colour into it after presenting the ideas i got good feedback and also i decided to choose my second idea because it something new and challenging and will help me gain my abilities but i needed to find a new source something which noone hasn't done yet and so i been researching different backgrounds with the Egyptians gods, greek gods and also religion i decided to look more into the greek gods and do a story there so far there are lots of different myths and stories between them and also the family tree so the more i read into it the more interesting each stories is so far im thinking about the story about hade daughter and persephone (macaria) but she set in the modern times but although this idea worries me because it similar to percy jackson and the lightning thief so might to need to do some more thinking on that one.

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