Friday 24 June 2011


For my final major project i also have to come up with a synopsis which will demonstrate my work and also what it is about.

Rebecca Higginson

Developed from my proposal, i created a hand drawn animated trailer telling the story of a teenage girl with more to her past than she knew.

Thursday 16 June 2011


now that i have completed my final major project it is time to present it to an audience and so we are going to be showing my animation onto an exhibition night and so far we have been painting the boards, designing the rooms,place everyone in the exhibit and sort out where each person was going then placing the boards up covering the room to create a cinema effect place photos and wallpapers up and cleaning the room to make sure there isn't any paint so far everyone worked really hard in building up the exhibit it was really hard trying to orgsanise everyone but we worked as a team we helped each other out when ever someone needs help and we all made sure that everyone was doing there jobs and also knows what they are doing and once this is completed we then go onto the exhibition night.


i have completed my production of my final major project editing all of my animation the title of my animation is called Goddess  i have edited all of my drawings also my audio at first whilst i was editing i did have a bit of trouble with the audio but then it was fixed and then i had to put in a bit more of the dialogue at the beginning because it didn't made sense in the story and it didn't describe what was happening so i changed the audio around i also have a track of ancient greek music playing throughout the background called hymn to Ares i thought it might be appropriate because it has the God of War in my animation and i thought find some music which resembles the Greek God and have successfully completed

Thursday 9 June 2011


I have recorded all of the voiceovers for my animations i have used four different characters but made sure that each voice sounds different than the other and also becuase in my animation they are in ruins so i edited on adobe audition and i used the echos effect on them so when you listen to it the voice is loud and echoes throughout also been comparing them with the animation there was a bit of a problem where in one scene the speech is longer than the animation so i have to cut down on the speaking for them and also made sure that they wasn't any mistakes in the recordings and so i deleted any mistakes that i picked up on and then change the pitches to make there voices lower especially the god of war voice to make him sound like a real god.

Wednesday 8 June 2011


so far during my process of the production i have edited all my animation with the drawings and scanning onto the computer and then edited out onto adobe premiere and also by using campus video motion to make it look more old movie with a drawing style to it. i have edited it all and now have come down to creating the audio for it as for my target is to first record all the voice overs with different actors and then edit them onto adobe audition and once completed then place them into adobe premiere and compare both the animation and the audio piece and check to see if i need to either cut down on the audio or cut down on the animation im still a bit uncertain about my animation because i need to decide with how much time should be on and also think about is it too fast for viewers to see so hopefully once i sorted out my audio i be able to fix the problem.

Monday 6 June 2011


i have set myself a target from the last time i have scanned and edited on the computer and my goal was to complete all of my drawings and then scanned them onto the pc so i have completed my challenge by making sure i have done all of the drawings that i needed to do and also make sure that they are all highlighted and then scanned on to the pc and then will be able to edit the last of my drawings on to the  adobe premiere and then once i will complete that my next goal will be sorting out my audio but in my drawings there was a bit of a mistake were one of my drawings was damage so i had to redrawn the picture again but i managed to complete so far in my last update i had 157 frames on my production for the animation and now i have 231 frames which was more than i predicted.

Wednesday 25 May 2011


Once again to create my animation i first drawn the frames that i needed to do and then i scanned them onto the pc and once i have completed that i them use a computer software called photoshop and frame each shot so that each shot is accurate and also the same height and width and once completed i then converted them from jepgs into bitmaps and then upload them onto adobe premiere and then edited it.

Also recently i been looking at different types of audio music for the background of the animation and so i been researching Ancient Greece songs and see if any of them are suitable to use and will work for my animation.So far i been able to find many audio tracks for my animation so i be testing them out and hopefully will be able to place them in and also then sort out the voiceovers for my animation as too sort out the characters and what sort of voices will i be using for each one of them and also will i be able to have time to use them.From the previous reasons i won't be able to put colour into them as it will take a lot more time up with the production process and i wouldn't have enough tinme to complete it so i made a decision not to use colour but hopefully will be able to complete my audio though.