Wednesday 25 May 2011


Once again to create my animation i first drawn the frames that i needed to do and then i scanned them onto the pc and once i have completed that i them use a computer software called photoshop and frame each shot so that each shot is accurate and also the same height and width and once completed i then converted them from jepgs into bitmaps and then upload them onto adobe premiere and then edited it.

Also recently i been looking at different types of audio music for the background of the animation and so i been researching Ancient Greece songs and see if any of them are suitable to use and will work for my animation.So far i been able to find many audio tracks for my animation so i be testing them out and hopefully will be able to place them in and also then sort out the voiceovers for my animation as too sort out the characters and what sort of voices will i be using for each one of them and also will i be able to have time to use them.From the previous reasons i won't be able to put colour into them as it will take a lot more time up with the production process and i wouldn't have enough tinme to complete it so i made a decision not to use colour but hopefully will be able to complete my audio though.

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