Wednesday 25 May 2011


Once again to create my animation i first drawn the frames that i needed to do and then i scanned them onto the pc and once i have completed that i them use a computer software called photoshop and frame each shot so that each shot is accurate and also the same height and width and once completed i then converted them from jepgs into bitmaps and then upload them onto adobe premiere and then edited it.

Also recently i been looking at different types of audio music for the background of the animation and so i been researching Ancient Greece songs and see if any of them are suitable to use and will work for my animation.So far i been able to find many audio tracks for my animation so i be testing them out and hopefully will be able to place them in and also then sort out the voiceovers for my animation as too sort out the characters and what sort of voices will i be using for each one of them and also will i be able to have time to use them.From the previous reasons i won't be able to put colour into them as it will take a lot more time up with the production process and i wouldn't have enough tinme to complete it so i made a decision not to use colour but hopefully will be able to complete my audio though.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Olympian Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Greek Mythology

whilst continuing my production work for my final major project i came accross an interesting video that has helped me to learn more about the Greek Goddesses and also give each detail to them and also helped me conclude that Ares and Aphrodite did have an affair and made my progression of my final major project contiunning on this is the video that i had found.

this is also the other video that i had found containing about the Gods of Ancient Greek Mythology and also help me a lot to learn more about there personalities aswell as there god powers and here is the video that i found.

These videos have also helped me learned about troy and how each god and goddess was and also taught me how each god was involved during this time.

Friday 20 May 2011

Greek Pottery

For my research i been searching about the greeks pottery and how it tells us stories about the greek gods even about myths and legends and it is dated back through centuries this is the video that i found out about the greek pottery that has helped me learned more about the greeks pottery and also more about how they are told stories.

Wednesday 18 May 2011


During production times i scanned the pictures that i have been able to draw so far and also framed them up by using photoshop and then once completed i then convert them from jpegs into bitmaps and then edit them using adobe premiere so far been using different effects for the animation and it is a lot more quicker. during the time i also learned a lot more about timing and how many frames that i must do in a second and also compare them with sequencing each movement and to make sure it goes smoothly also i  been using different settings to make my drawings stand out more by using tools as canopus video filter and change the colour correction and also add an effect old movie into it to make it stand out more and to see the pen marks on and this has made the eyes alot more clearer to see.

Tuesday 17 May 2011


For my animation Synopisis i'm creating characters from Ancient Greek times and also for my main character i decided to have Ares the God of War and since my character will be his and Aphrodite the Goddess of love daughter i thought about having a symbol which will demostrate it's meaning and also since my character name starts with A for Adrestia at first i thought about the planet symbols because during roman/greek times they believed that each god also hold there own planet for example Zeus - Jupiter so since Ares is the planet of Mars and Aphrodite is the planet of Venus i thought about combinning the symbols together but once i tested this theory out it but it didn't turned out like a i planned so instead i decided to quickly change the idea god for the first letter of the alphabet but changed it abit.

Venus and Mars

 combined symbols of planets
My design for my symbol


For my Final Major Project this is the storyline that i have develop for my animation synopsis.


·         Adrestia goes onto a little trip with her professor and reaches the temple
“Here we are Adrestia, the temple of a goddess”.
·         Whilst looking around the ruins the professor looks at the old ruins paintings
“Incredible there is so many stories here which aren’t in our researches, Adrestia try and not to wander off”.
·         Whilst looking around the temple she hears a voice calling out to her name she’s looking around trying to find the source.
·         As she comes closer the voice then disappears and she looks up and was lead to a door with a symbol on it.
·         As soon as she touches it she either opens a door to a unknown lair or disappears and was transported to an ancient Greek temple.
·         As soon as she stops walking she then noticed that there is someone who is standing in front of her dressed in old Greek armour (Ares god of war)
·         She then starts asking questions about him “ who are you” but then the mysterious figure looks at her and then starts speaking to her in a calm gentle voice but echo’s throughout the room.
“Have you forgotten who you once were? Have you not remembered?  Adrestia then looks at him even more confused than before.
“What are you talking about?”
·         As soon as she said that the room came into a bright light and she then starts having flashbacks of her past by first going through her childhood, then her training with her family and the battles she have fought but whilst she going through a voice speaks over to her.
“I’m Ares the Greek god of war; you my child are Adrestia the Goddess of Revenge and Balance. You are the daughter of both me and also the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite. You who were feared in battle amongst with me play on the fears and then leave them in tears one who once skilled in the battlefield as of mine and who uses her revenge skills and plots but also you bring balance to battle and also to life”
·         Once finished she comes to shock about it all but also starts to feel nostalgic about everything Ares waits for her to calm down and then begins to talk again
“Now that you remember who you are it is time for you to take your place once again and to fulfil your role as the Goddess of Revenge”.
·         She then looks back at him “what do you mean? What do I need to do?”
·         Ares “ my child there is an greater evil that is once again about to be awaken from his slumbers and will try and reign across the darkness and will destroy everything in its path but unfortunately neither god can interfere in the human world as it is forbidden for us to meddle in the mortal life so we cannot stop it but however since you are now reincarnated as a human being , we do not know how you have become  one and by the time we found out it was too late your mother and I were very sad and angry after the event that happen but luckily your grandfather Zeus saved your life by sending you into the human world and until you were needed be reincarnated as a human being and now you live in the modern world but there is still hope for my daughter you can reclaim back your godly powers by getting revenge on the one who has done this to you they are still alive and they are trying to awaken the great evil one from its sleep you must stop them by any chance.
·         Adrestia was silent through the whole conversation she was recollecting everything in her head and it made her feel sad after what has happen but also angry but by now she feels confused as to how she can stop the great evil one.
Adrestia – “but how do I do that father, I cannot do this on my own, like you said I’m a human being how can I stop them when I don’t have any powers now”
Ares-“ do not worry Zeus has given me permission to give you some power to stop them but once you get your own powers back the powers that was once given will be returned to us also you will not be on your own there are demi-gods that live in your world that can help you but only in due time they shall be reveal and to help you learn how control your powers I’ll also send you a guide to aid you it is time for you to return back to your world and to stop the evil be careful my daughter this will be a hard quest for you but have faith we know you be able to stop them your mother and i will be watching over do not forget what you must do”.
Adrestia-“But wait father......father!”
·         As soon her voice disappears there is a another voice shouting at her at first it wasn’t heard but it kept on getting louder and louder
·         She soon then wakes up and now standing near her is the professor with a worried expression
Professor-“is you alright?  I notice that you disappeared and i looked everywhere for you and then I found you hear what happened?
·         Adrestia then looks confused and then tries to figure out what happened but she still can’t remember it a bit fuzzy to her
               Adrestia-“ I don’t know , what did happened?
            Professor-“come on let’s get you back we’ll come back some other time”
            Adrestia –“ok then”
·         Whilst leaving the temple a cloak figure was watching over them then turns around and starts walking further into the ruins but then come across to another painting.
Cloak figure-“soon my lord you shall rise again and cause destruction upon the world although that daughter of Ares may be a problem but fear not my lord i shall not let her succeed”.

Sunday 15 May 2011


I have created a storyboard to help develop my animation and to organise myself to plan out which shots i will be doing and also what the story is about it will show the pictures and also explains at the bottom of each section what they are talking about and also what they will be doing.

Research - museum

With the help from the National Archaeological Museum to help with my research they have recomended a book which to help me with and also a website to find ltos of resaerched about Ancient Greece. Here is there main page on were i found them from and also here is a another picture on how i found there contacts.

character profile

This is my first drawing of my character Adrestia the Goddess of Revenge and also drawn different outfits that she would wear first one her old Ancient Greece armour and then another in her school uniform i also drawn several emotions and faces to get a more better picture with her character and personality.

Then i also had a try using photoshop to colour in one of the frame shots that i would be using for my production and also to see if it would be an good atempt to colour in my animation but depending on my time with the drawings and also time to develop the voices and script for the characters. This was my first time in colouring my animation on photoshop and use the software for this idea.

 Adrestia character profile
  coloured page

Wednesday 11 May 2011

stop motion drawings inspirations

Along with researching greek mythology for my synopsis learning about different stop motion with using the same technique that i will use will also help learn to improve on my techniques and also to get a better understanding with each video and it is presented.

Take On Me - A-Ha is one of the best examples to describe about stop motion and also about drawings converting into the video and also how it changed from a stop motion world and bringing it into another world this was brought out in the 1980s. This music video features the band in a penicl-sketch animation called rotoscoping  but it is also combine with live-action.

Calling Out Your Name - Darren Hayman and Emmy The Great is another example which also brings out the pencil-sketch animation but it completely different from the take on me video this one is mostly based on drawing a picture and then changing every picture and even put colours on it telling us a story behind each shot this video was using only one card that was constantly scanned in between each shot with drawing and erasing and painting over and over again. this has helped me to learn to have a better understanding with the amount of time and scanning to also prepare to create a music video.

Sunday 8 May 2011


I been watching many films which has Greek Mythology and also some animations to help me research and gain more ideas and also what sort of design the Greeks have and even films that are relevent to Modern daytime and ancient Greece time which has helped me gained a more understanding for each film.

 Percy Jackson and the lighting theif
 Wonder Woman
 Xena warrior Princess
Clash of the Titans

Research Development

To also help me improve on my research about Greek Mythology i decided to look further into my research and ask for professors and many museums and to ask them to send me any information about the Anicent Greek Gods and also any information about there Greek children and also any pictures and so recently sent out emails to each one explaining who iam and what iam planning to do with the research so far i already got an email back National Archaeological Museum in Greece and The Director of the National Archaeological Museum Dr. Nikolaos Kaltsas was very helpful to me by answering my email and also helping where to look for any information with the new research i was able to find i found the research more enjoyable and more interesting as i look at many of the myths and legends i became more intrigue by it and found this research very useful and gave me lots of inspirations for my final major project.

here is the reply that i have recieve from them

National Archaeological Museum
1 Tositsa Street
Athens 10682, Greece
Tel. 0030 210 8217724
Fax 0030 210 8213573
Information: El. Vlachogianni

                                                                   Prot.No. 4100

SUBJECT: Information about Ancient Greek Mythology

Dear Mrs Higginson,

In reply to your e-mail, dated 27/4/2011, we would like to inform you that for further information about Ancient Greek Mythology you should search easily in the website Additionally a “holly book” for archaeologists and historians is the LIMC = LEXICON ICONOGRAPHICUM MYTHOLOGIAE CLASSICAE, Zürich – München 1981-, which is a fully illustrated thesaurus of ancient myths and their protagonists.

Yours sincerely,

The Director of the National Archaeological Museum
Dr. Nikolaos Kaltsas

Από: Rebecca Higginson []
Αποστολή: Τετάρτη, 27 Απριλίου 2011 4:31 μμ
Προς: Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Αθηνών
Θέμα: More information about Ancient Greek Mythology


Dr Nikolaos Kaltsas

My name is Rebecca Higginson, I am a Film student at Blackburn College in Lancashire, England. I am creating an animation in the style of Manga based on the Ancient Greek Mythology. I am looking for some more information about the Ancient Greek Mythology, and if you could help me by forwarding some information and images I would be honoured.

I am keen on finding out more information about the Greek Goddess' and Gods:

 Adrestia who is the goddess of revenge and daughter of Ares and Aphrodite ,
 The Ancient Gods (e.g Zeus, hades and poseidon) ,
Myths and Mythical Creatures ,

I hope you can help me,

(Blackburn College Student, Foundation Art and Deisgn, Media, Level 3)

Tuesday 3 May 2011


recently i have been looking for more information about myths and legends and also decided to have only one charactor in the synopsis so that it would be better to know more about her and also to explain her story so after hard considerations of the two charactors i have decided to go along with Adrestia Goddess of Revenge because in my own opinion i would believe that she would be a good idea for the story and since her powers of revenge hopefully create a story to which how her powers can become godly and also what sort of distructive power she will have too.also been sorting out the storyline too by starting off with a beginning , middle and end and also been drafting out charactors and also sorting out what she is going to wear also been looking researching along with greek mythology strong women charactors and been using examples such as Xena Warrior Princess, Wonder Woman and also been looking at many films which has involved in somewhat greek mythology but also in animation Wonder Woman, Hercules, Clash of the Titans and Gladiators but also been going into more depth with the amount of research and also discovering that many researchers do believe that Adrestia is also Nemesis another Goddess except she has more power and more titles if not also but also some also say that they are identical too but with this research it has helped me gained more knowledge and more inspiration for my animation project.