Sunday 8 May 2011

Research Development

To also help me improve on my research about Greek Mythology i decided to look further into my research and ask for professors and many museums and to ask them to send me any information about the Anicent Greek Gods and also any information about there Greek children and also any pictures and so recently sent out emails to each one explaining who iam and what iam planning to do with the research so far i already got an email back National Archaeological Museum in Greece and The Director of the National Archaeological Museum Dr. Nikolaos Kaltsas was very helpful to me by answering my email and also helping where to look for any information with the new research i was able to find i found the research more enjoyable and more interesting as i look at many of the myths and legends i became more intrigue by it and found this research very useful and gave me lots of inspirations for my final major project.

here is the reply that i have recieve from them

National Archaeological Museum
1 Tositsa Street
Athens 10682, Greece
Tel. 0030 210 8217724
Fax 0030 210 8213573
Information: El. Vlachogianni

                                                                   Prot.No. 4100

SUBJECT: Information about Ancient Greek Mythology

Dear Mrs Higginson,

In reply to your e-mail, dated 27/4/2011, we would like to inform you that for further information about Ancient Greek Mythology you should search easily in the website Additionally a “holly book” for archaeologists and historians is the LIMC = LEXICON ICONOGRAPHICUM MYTHOLOGIAE CLASSICAE, Zürich – München 1981-, which is a fully illustrated thesaurus of ancient myths and their protagonists.

Yours sincerely,

The Director of the National Archaeological Museum
Dr. Nikolaos Kaltsas

Από: Rebecca Higginson []
Αποστολή: Τετάρτη, 27 Απριλίου 2011 4:31 μμ
Προς: Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Αθηνών
Θέμα: More information about Ancient Greek Mythology


Dr Nikolaos Kaltsas

My name is Rebecca Higginson, I am a Film student at Blackburn College in Lancashire, England. I am creating an animation in the style of Manga based on the Ancient Greek Mythology. I am looking for some more information about the Ancient Greek Mythology, and if you could help me by forwarding some information and images I would be honoured.

I am keen on finding out more information about the Greek Goddess' and Gods:

 Adrestia who is the goddess of revenge and daughter of Ares and Aphrodite ,
 The Ancient Gods (e.g Zeus, hades and poseidon) ,
Myths and Mythical Creatures ,

I hope you can help me,

(Blackburn College Student, Foundation Art and Deisgn, Media, Level 3)

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